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The brand new app Facebook Groups

Why we need another app for something that we already use in the Facebook mobile phone app? The answer is simple: because it loads quicker, have unique design and you can access a big functionality on Facebook just with one click over the app icon. So we wait for the next apps from Facebook: News Feed, Search, Notifications, Photos and Statuses.

Facecbook Groups App Icon
Source Play Store

Let we see the Groups app.
It has a circle app icon and it look more in the iPhone iOS look. You can recognize the idea of the mind bubble. Light gradients and powerful colors. Facebook Groups use the same icon for iPhone and for Android, wich is not correct if you check the new Material Design guidelines.

Facecbook Groups Material Design
Image copyright

Here is a example how it have to be for Android. The idea comes from the Material Design: "Product icon design is inspired by the tactile and physical quality of material. Each icon is cut, folded, and lit as paper would be, but represented by simple graphic elements. ... The matte-like finish interacts with light through subtle highlights and consistent shadows." Maybe Facebook Creative Lab will change the icon in future for Android phones.

Control your News Feed in Facebook

You may have the problem that some uninteresting images or posts are showing on your Facebook News Feed. You have the option to hide some type of posts from specific person, website, group or page. Just click the arrow in the top right corner and you have many choices like: I don't want to see this, Unfollow, Hide all from specific website, Save for later or Turn on notifications.

Screenshot from showing a video from Save The Arctic page

Help stop Ebola

You can help in the fight against the Ebola virus by donating with Facebook. Over 13 000 cases of this deadly disease are registered around the world. The most of it are in West Africa. The normal life in this places have been changed. Visit the special Facebook page Fight Ebola to learn more and donate.

Image copyright Facebook Newsroom
Facebook make 3 things to help: 
1. Internet connectivity in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea to connect aid and medical workers. 
2. In partnerhip with UNICEF, Facebook will share information about how to prevent, detect and treat Ebola.
3. Some of the non-profit organisations will be highlighted on Facebook.